The Lady of Colors: this is how Irene Otekpere introduces herself. The fashion designer, born in...
2019-05-06 11:16:11
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Irene, The Lady of Colors

The Lady of Colors: this is how Irene Otekpere introduces herself. The fashion designer, born in Nigeria and grown up in Italy, overlaid the table of colors with which she wisely dresses women. The result is a sparkling look that reminds of both Italy and Africa traditions, thanks to colors, patterns and handmade italian garments. Irene Otekpere is really ready for the challenge of international markets.

Irene wants to excite people. She creates art instead of fashion, and in fact even the most extreme luxury becomes natural and accessible for women who know how to dress, with softness and elegance balancing one another.

A rich fashion catalog, embellished by artistic experiments with no rivals. Made in Italy fabrics and ceramic/silver/Swarovski garments are a world first. Irene is ready to make your dream dress. African and Italian passion are now fully wearable.