From next Monday, the fateful May 18, you can reopen the stores. But how they will reopen? Many...
2020-05-14 23:01:08
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Step 2 fashion

From next Monday, the fateful May 18, you can reopen the stores. But how they will reopen?
Many traders in crisis these days protesting against the current Government measures. The reopening does not necessarily mean that you start to work, and gradually return to pre-Covid rhythms. Indeed, there are many concerns at the time about how it can be exposed.
These doubts and concerns not only affect the amount of costs to be incurred in terms of assets restart (eg. the sanitation costs, rents, staff, etc), but also consumers' reactions and change their habits.
Inevitably, in fact, there will be a smaller number of customers, it can be determined by a fear of contact and potential for contagion. In most cases it will be solely a psychological aspect which, however, will not go at all underestimated.
Traders will definitely face this first period with a boom of discounts on their products, whereas it is necessary, firstly, to attract customers and, secondly, to sell so much merchandise that filled the warehouses in these about 3 months of closure.
But the bottom line is always related to customer behavior: how will consumers?
One thing is certain: it is important to always try to support small operators, whether traders or small producers and artisans in their daily work, and that's what we hope for the future.